Runnable Components

Jivago provides a mechanism for running background tasks and exposes application initialization hooks. For both of those purposes, the Runnable interface is used.

from jivago.lang.annotations import Override
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable

class MyRunnableComponent(Runnable):

    def run(self):

Background Workers

For running continuous tasks on a background thread, use the @BackgroundWorker annotation. These components will be started on separate threads when the app has started successfully. Components instantiated in this manner support all of the usual dependency injection features.

import time

from jivago.lang.annotations import Override, BackgroundWorker, Inject
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable

class MyBackgroundWorker(Runnable):

    def __init__(self, component: MyComponent):
        self.component = component

    def run(self):
        while True:
            print("hello from the background")

Application Initialization Hooks

@PreInit, @Init and @PostInit hooks are provided for running one-off tasks at startup and are invoked identically to background workers. These are, however, required to exit before the application can start.

from jivago.config.startup_hooks import PreInit, Init, PostInit
from jivago.lang.annotations import Override
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable

class FirstHook(Runnable):

    def run(self):

class SecondHook(Runnable):

    def run(self):

class ThirdHook(Runnable):

    def run(self):
  • PreInit is invoked right after the service locator and application properties are configured.

  • Init is invoked after initializing the routing table. At this stage, the application is in a coherent state.

  • PostInit is invoked after starting background workers and scheduled tasks. No further initialization task is left to be done.

Scheduled Tasks

One-off background tasks can be scheduled over a longer period of time using scheduled tasks. The @Scheduled annotation takes either a “cron” or “every” parameter.

  • cron : Takes a cron-style string.

  • every: Takes a Duration enum. (Duration.SECOND, Duration.MINUTE, Duration.HOUR, Duration.DAY)

  • start : Optional. Specifies a start time before which the task will not be run.

from jivago.lang.annotations import Override
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable
from jivago.scheduling.annotations import Scheduled, Duration

class ScheduledTask(Runnable):

    def run(self):