Source code for jivago.inject.service_locator

from typing import Callable, Optional, TypeVar, Type, Union, List

from jivago.inject import typing_meta_helper
from jivago.inject.exception.instantiation_exception import InstantiationException
from jivago.inject.exception.non_injectable_constructor_exception import NonInjectableConstructorException
from jivago.inject.scope.scope_cache import ScopeCache
from jivago.lang.annotations import Inject
from jivago.lang.registry import Registry
from import Stream

T = TypeVar("T")
S = TypeVar("S")

[docs]class ServiceLocator(object): def __init__(self, registry=Registry()): self.registry = registry self.literals = {} self.components = {} self.providers = {} self.scopeCaches = []
[docs] def bind(self, interface: Type[T], implementation: Union[Type[T], Type[S], T, Callable[..., T]]): if self.__is_provider_function(implementation): self.providers[interface] = implementation elif isinstance(implementation, type): self.components[interface] = implementation else: self.literals[interface] = implementation
[docs] def register_scope(self, scope_cache: ScopeCache): self.scopeCaches.append(scope_cache)
[docs] def get(self, interface: Type[T]) -> T: if interface in self.literals.keys(): return self.literals[interface] if typing_meta_helper.is_typing_meta_collection(interface): return self.get_all(interface.__args__[0]) stored_component = Stream.of(self.components, self.providers) \ .firstMatch(lambda x: interface in x) \ .map(lambda x: x[interface]) \ .orElseThrow(InstantiationException("Could not instantiate {}.".format(interface))) scope = self.__get_scope(stored_component) if scope is not None and scope.is_stored(stored_component): return scope.get(stored_component) instance = None if interface in self.providers.keys(): instance = self.__inject_function(self.providers[interface]) else: constructor = stored_component.__init__ instance = self.__inject_constructor(stored_component, constructor) if scope:, instance) return instance
[docs] def get_all(self, clazz: Type[T]) -> List[T]: return Stream(self.literals.keys(), self.components.keys(), self.providers.keys()).filter( lambda k: issubclass(k, clazz)).map(lambda k: self.get(k)).toList()
def __is_provider_function(self, obj) -> bool: return callable(obj) and not isinstance(obj, type) def __inject_function(self, provider_method): parameters = [] try: parameter_types = provider_method.__annotations__ parameter_names = provider_method.__code__.co_varnames for name in parameter_names: if name not in parameter_types: # This is a variable, for instance a function definition, and not an actual parameter # Member variables are ordered after the function parameters, so when we get here, all parameters # have been set already. break parameter = parameter_types[name] parameters.append(self.get(parameter)) # TODO this AttributeError catch block is too broad, and sometimes hides user errors. - keotl - 2020-09-13 except AttributeError: pass return provider_method(*parameters) def __inject_constructor(self, stored_component, constructor): if not self.__is_injectable(constructor): raise NonInjectableConstructorException(stored_component) the_object = object.__new__(stored_component) parameters = [] try: parameter_types = constructor.__annotations__ parameter_names = constructor.__code__.co_varnames[1::] for name in parameter_names: if name not in parameter_types: # This is a variable, for instance a function definition, and not an actual parameter # Member variables are ordered after the function parameters, so when we get here, all parameters # have been set already. break parameter = parameter_types[name] parameters.append(self.get(parameter)) except AttributeError: pass constructor(the_object, *parameters) return the_object def __is_injectable(self, constructor_function: Callable) -> bool: try: return self.registry.is_annotated(constructor_function, Inject) or ( len(constructor_function.__code__.co_varnames) == 1 and constructor_function.__code_co_varnames[0] == 'self') except AttributeError: # For object constructor wrapper, on classes which do not explicitly define a constructor return True def __get_scope(self, component: type) -> Optional[ScopeCache]: found_scope = Stream(self.scopeCaches).firstMatch(lambda scope: scope.handles_component(component)) return found_scope.get() if found_scope.isPresent() else None