Global Event Bus

For event-driven programming purposes, Jivago provides a simple EventBus interface which can be used from anywhere to trigger events and dispatch messages. This approach has the benefit of completely decoupling the caller from the callee(s), which can be beneficial in some large-scale applications. Take a look at the following code snippet :

from jivago.event.config.annotations import EventHandler
from jivago.event.event_bus import EventBus
from jivago.lang.annotations import Override, Inject
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable
from jivago.wsgi.annotations import Resource
from jivago.wsgi.methods import POST

class PlayerDeathEventHandler(Runnable):

    def run(self):
        print("Oh dear! You are dead!")

class PlayerResource(object):

    def __init__(self, event_bus: EventBus):
        self.event_bus = event_bus

    def kill_player(self) -> str:
        return "OK"

In this example, a call to /kill-player triggers an event named Player:Death, thereby invoking all known handlers.

Event payload parameter and handler responses

The emit and handler methods accepts zero or one argument. In the event (pun intended) that said payload parameter is supplied while emitting the event, it shall be passed to all handlers which require it. Note that only a single payload parameter is allowed.

from jivago.event.config.annotations import EventHandler
from jivago.event.event_bus import EventBus

def handle_event(payload) -> str:
    return "ok"

event_bus: EventBus
event_bus.emit("event", {"key": "value"})

Should event handlers return something, responses are return to the caller in the form of a tuple containing all non-nil responses. Note that this behaviour is not applicable when using the asynchronous (async) event bus.

Event handler types

Event handlers can be implemented using any of the usual ways. Functions, methods and runnable classes are allowed. Since EventHandlerClass and Runnable objects are instantiated by the service locator, constructor injection is supported as usual.

from jivago.event.config.annotations import EventHandler, EventHandlerClass
from jivago.lang.annotations import Override
from jivago.lang.runnable import Runnable

def handler_function():

class HandlerClass(object):

    def handler_method(self):

class HandlerRunnable(Runnable):

    def run(self):

Synchronous vs Asynchronous event dispatching

By default, all events are handled synchronously, i.e. on the caller thread. Therefore, calling EventBus.emit() will only return once all handlers have been called. When asynchronicity is desired, events should be emitted using the AsyncEventBus.

from jivago.event.async_event_bus import AsyncEventBus
from jivago.lang.annotations import Inject
from jivago.wsgi.annotations import Resource
from jivago.wsgi.methods import POST

class MyResource(object):

    def __init__(self, event_bus: AsyncEventBus):
        self.event_bus = event_bus

    def send_hello(self) -> str:
        return "Hello has been sent to all listeners!"

Unlike the usual EventBus.emit(), AsyncEventBus.emit() returns immediately and returns nothing. Events are then dispatched by a thread pool executor, which can be configured in your application context.